Welcome to the website of the Horseracing Bettors Forum, a body created in 2015 with the assistance of the British Horseracing Authority to represent the perceived interests of those who bet on British horseracing, and to do so in a manner which aims to be to the benefit of both bettors and the sport itself.

The HBF has a good working relationship with the BHA but operates independently of that body, and does not speak on behalf of it in any way. Indeed, HBF sees holding authority to account on behalf of UK horseracing bettors to be a central part of its purpose.

The HBF welcomes contact from the public, and to this end a Twitter account and a dedicated e-mail address have been established.

All Forum members are unpaid volunteers who have other commitments, so an immediate response will not always be possible.

Twitter: @HbfBritain


Chaired by Sean Trivass, and comprised of between six and nine further members (meet them here), the Forum meet on a quarterly basis and discuss topics such as the Fixture List and race programme, data and information provided to those betting on British Racing, the Betting products available on the sport and any other innovations that the Forum believes would be of benefit to British Racing.

Notes from our meetings can be found here.