The Horseracing Bettors Forum (HBF) was created in August, 2015, with the assistance of the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) to represent the perceived interests of those who bet upon, or who might bet upon, British horseracing.

The HBF seeks to ensure that those interests are understood and taken into account in the relevant decision-making processes, for the good of both bettors and the sport of horseracing in Britain.

The HBF consists of between seven and nine members – all voluntary and unpaid – who convene roughly once every three months to discuss issues that they feel are relevant to British horseracing punters. The HBF has no mandatory powers, but, where appropriate, it seeks to influence policy in accordance with its stated objectives.

The intention is that the Chair will have a tenure of three years and that Forum members will also be in place for in the region of three years. Openings will come up for interested and committed members of the public in years to come.

Forum members also communicate extensively between meetings, and provide feedback to bodies within racing and betting – notably the BHA – as far as is possible given their other personal commitments.

At the outset, the public was asked to indicate an interest in being on the Forum under the terms set out. Over 100 such applications were received, from which Forum members were chosen by the Chair and the BHA together.

In addition, HBF has three advisers who do not attend meetings but who may be asked to provide their expert input about matters which will be coming up for discussion.

In choosing the Forum members, an emphasis was placed on representing as many of the diverse interests in betting on horseracing in Britain as was reasonably possible – either in person or through those members’ contacts with the wider public – while ensuring that the HBF collectively already had a good understanding of many of the issues that were likely to come up.

A twitter account (@HBFBritain) and dedicated email address ( were established with the purpose of gathering ideas or proposals which might be discussed at Forum meetings, though mindful of the limited resources at the Forum’s disposal.

The HBF would like to thank the BHA not only for its assistance in establishing the Forum in the first place but for regularly providing rooms in which to meet, administrative support for those meetings, and for offering to defray standard travel expenses to members travelling to those meetings.

Not only does the HBF owe its existence to the BHA, it sees a constructive and healthy relationship with the BHA as intrinsic to its future.

The Forum Members (details correct at January 2025)

SEAN TRIVASS (Chair), Sharpthorne, freelance sports journalist specialising in horse racing for over 30 years, and used to be Hyperion for The Independent. Son of Peter Trivass who bred St Leger runner-up Kite Wood at Northmore Stud and enthused by both the breeding and the betting side. Loves the sport and everything about it with a passion and travels the World where finances allow to follow the big meetings.

PAUL JOHNSON, Leeds, worked for William Hill for over 30 years and is now a professional horseracing bettor. A keen racegoer who has visited all 59 racecourses in the UK, he also advises on horseracing and betting at Regulus Partners. This is his second term as an HBF member.

ED GRIMSHAW, lives in the Scottish Borders and he has had an interest and involvement in horse racing for over 40 years. He has a background in finance, management consultancy and enjoys compiling racing information and tissue prices. He also has extensive experience in Behavioural Modelling.

STEPHEN LITTLE, caught the racing bug at school, and resolved to make a career in racing; with maths as his best subject, bookmaking was his vocation. After a gap year until reaching 18 cycling round all British racecourses, he worked for several bookies before bookmaking on his own, mainly on the rails, until changes in pitch administration forced early retirement. He has joined the HBF to help ensure punters get a fair deal.

STEVE TILLEY, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. Interested in data and betting, particularly putting the two together for profit. I am also a point-to-point judge and have a long association with horses and racing. I was on the original HBF in 2015 and am pleased to return as it now has the potential of making things better for bettors and racing as a whole.

ANDREW BANTHORPE, earned his living from racing  for 45 years starting out as a work rider/amateur Jockey for Michael Dickinson, Jeremy Tree,  and Barry Hills riding such great horses as Silver Buck, Wayward Lad and many more before moving on to be a pro punter and an in-play trader, and fortunate enough to own some good horses. Doesn’t regret a day of it and still loves racing as much today as he did starting out with a muck sack on his back at 6am 45 years ago.

RICHARD COUGHLAN fell in love with horse racing in the Kauto Star era. While at university at Hartpury, Gloucester, horses were a part of day to day life due to the equestrian centre there and Cheltenham was a stones throw away. Work with ToteSport and Betfair followed before Pro betting company Sporting Data and then creating the company Digitips Ltd to try and bring betting, horse ownership racing and technology together. He is hoping to bring fresh ideas to the HBF, and try to help in any way possible, whether that be while on track or behind the computer screen.

DAVID WILLIAMS David has worked in education all his life starting life as a modern languages teacher through to Head and currently works for a group of independent schools as an Education Director. He has enjoyed punting and horseracing all his life with, like many, developing an interest inherited from his father with boyhood trips to various southern racecourses. As a member of the HBF, he wants his own children-along with average Saturday and TV punters- to be able to have the freedom to enjoy racing and gambling in the same way.